Golf DM2

Golf Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

What is Golf Elbow?

Medial epicondylitis, more commonly known as golfer's elbow, is a degeneration of the tendons that bend the wrist toward the palm of the hand. These tendons are located above the medial epicondyle, the bony bump on the inside of the elbow. Although this condition is often referred to as golfer's elbow, medial epicondylitis can be caused by any repetitious use of these muscles.

See a Specialist

To learn more about the treatment options available for golfer's elbow, please request an appointment online or call 888-660-2663 to schedule a consultation with a Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists specialty-trained elbow doctor.

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Appointment Resources

Once you have scheduled your appointment, please use the link below to obtain our new patient forms and browse through our tips and preparation suggestions for your appointment. 

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